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Ankle/Foot Soreness and Pain

2016/7/22 10:07:40

QUESTION: I haven't been running much for years as my ankles do not allow me to. Whenever I start jogging/running, immediately both my ankles (down to whole foot) feel sore to very sore and fatigue follow by pain if I continue running.

However, the pain will ease if my body is really warmed up (I mean really warm). For years, I have tried to warm up by doing something other than jogging/running, lots of stretching to loosen my ankles to avoid the soreness. However, it's been more serious lately as I feel sore even with a fast walk or slight hopping around my house.

I used to work out alot in the gym, doing few aerobic classes back-to-back and also training in martial arts. I did not have any serious injuries before, except occasional minor ankle sprain. I always thought that my ankle soreness was due to my stamina problem or that I was just unfit. Hence, I tried to do lots of cardio to overcome the soreness. However, it didnt help even after I rest for months. The soreness is always there whenever I START jogging/running.

Lately, when I train, I could hear lots of clicking sounds in my ankle and that it feels weak when I try to shuffle around. It's basically stopping me from performing as I do need to do lots of road work to improve my stamina.

I hope you could diagnose the possibility of my ankle/foot problem. Thank you!

ANSWER: Hi jinnie
The first thing i need to answer your question properly is a complete BIO age,height weight etc. on your past and present activity,training program and what is your focus down the line so you are feeling like your real self again.

All the best


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear John,

I'm 24 yo, female, height:5ft, weight:115 pounds.
I started doing martial arts, kickboxing about 6 years back,I work out in the gym and training around 5 days a week. I was always feeling good to moving, jumping and hopping around. But lately, the soreness is holding me back to perform. My focus is to train for competition and I need to alot of road work to improve my fitness. I am also planning to lose another 10 pounds which was my original weight 2 years back.

Hi jinnie
Based on all the info you gave me i would say with all the different activities that your trying to do is your doing to much and your muscular skeleton system is not recovering on a day to day situation and with out a clear focus with a clear defined GOAL of what you want to accomplish and a well thought out plan you will repeat the same problems.My gut feeling is you need a very high quality experienced coach to keep you focused on where you want to go and what you want to accomplish and then work very closely and develop a really close relationship to make it happen.You need to take a deep breath and sort out what is really important for the direction you want to commit to or not if your serious about moving to the next level and become the hero of your own success story.I just got another email from a soccer player from malaysia this evening.Maybe we can get you two together and form a team.Any other questions get in touch jinnie.

All the best

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