Knee hurts after jogging
2016/7/22 10:07:30
I am 50 pounds overweight and know that i really need to increase my activity to lose weight.My husband likes to run so I decided to try it. My left knee has been bothering me already from doing the Wii sports fitness video which includes a lot of squats and lunges.Anyway, I went out on a dirt track at the school across the street and jogged around 7 times. My knee did not hurt until the next day. It has been hurting for two days whenever I walk or try to go up or down the stairs. I really want to keep trying to jog.Is it ok to keep trying? I don't want to damage my knee.I also have been using a stationary bike about 30 minutes a day 4 times a week. A
Hi Debra
Keep using the bike to correct the tracking and alignment problem your experiencing and have and forget the Wii and all that other stuff.It is kiling you.You have a slight case of chondromalacia which is easy to take care of with no meds if your patient.If you really want to dig down on your situation you can call me here in albuquerque New mexico at 505 271 5909 between 6am on.
All the best
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