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Cardio (running)

2016/7/22 10:07:26

Hi, I heard from some websites that running does not burn fat but fast walking and jogging does. Their logic is this:
"Cardiovascular exercise should be conducted at such a rate that the builds up a sweat but doesn't get out of breath. Train at an intensity that you would be able to talk to somebody without to much trouble. This is called "aerobic" exercise and is mainly burning body fat. When performing aerobic exercise, the bloodstream carries a high volume of oxygen to help transport fat through the body.
When training at a more intense level such as RUNNING and or high intensity weight training, this is what is called "anaerobic" exercise meaning that oxygen is not being utilized through the bloodstream, therefore not the most ideal scenario for fat burning. This is because the oxygen that is being absorbed is being used by involuntary muscles such as heart and lungs. The duration of your cardiovascular exercise should not exceed 20 minutes at the beginning of your program." Is it true or is there something that I'm not understanding?

Hi Gary
1st answer is running does burn fat and jogging and running are the same and fast walking will burn fat but not as fast as running.There basic explanation is correct except the 20 minutes situation.You progress as you feel comfortable to move forward.This is not an exact science.Your body will talk to you and give you the signs to keep going or call it quits for the day.They are just giving a basic technical way to approach to a program,but the real world is the way that gets fast quick results.This is not rocket science Gary....You burn off more than you put in your mouth and do as much exercise as you can running or walking or weights as you can and tolerate until you reach your GOAL.The one thing that is a given to success is you have to balance your diet and exercise to be successful.The biggest problem why individuals don't succeed is because they don't approach it from a life style change and just looking for a quick fix.You have to build in life style changes to be the hero of your own success story and not to continue the ups and downs to always be starting over and over.The only real and final answer to the yo yo weight loss cycle is the POWER OF THE MIND, and when you learn to control those responses and work threw those barriers,it is then and only then that you will win the WAR.YOUR LIFE'S GOALS CHANGE WHEN YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND TO TAKE A DIFFERENT DIRECTION AT THE FORK IN THE ROAD....IT IS YOUR CHOICE,CHOOSE WISELY.Any questions just shout.

All the very best

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