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Abdominal cramps/Speed problem

2016/7/22 10:07:25

I'm 28 years old, about 6 feet tall and around 175 lbs.  I've been running somewhat regularly (2-3x a week, and 4-5x a week for a month before a bi-annual fitness test) since age 18.  My fastest 2 mile completion time was 14:47, however, at some point around age 24 I started having problems completing 2 mile runs in under 17 minutes.  Usually, once I pass the one mile mark I start getting abdominal cramps if I'm running faster than a 9 minute/mile.  The cramps go away if I slow down, and they never seem to bother me if I'm maintaining a 10 minute/mile pace.  I've been completing my 2 mile runs by running about an 8 minute mile pace for the first mile, then on the 2nd mile I slow down until my abs stop hurting and then speed up again.  If I'm not careful, I vomit.

To compensate I've tried landing more on the front part of my foot, increasing my water intake before a run, buying new shoes, altering the way I breathe, and increasing the distance I run to 4-5 km.  The cramps seem to come from the impact of my feet on the ground since cycling or ellipticals don't cause the cramps at all.  I don't know if abdominal strength has anything to do with it since on my fitness tests I actually limit myself to 70 sit-ups in 2 minutes because I don't want to wear out my abs before the run.  


Hi Stephen
It is quite simple,you have to train more.28 is not old but over time you lose it.2x3 times a week will keep you some what fit,but 4x5 times a week before a test is not enough time for the body to absorb the training.The landing on the front part of feet,water,shoes,sit ups has nothing to do with it.You have to develop a good solid training program over a period of 4 to 6 months to properly get that time trial of 2 miles down.Running fast is like a job,you have to work hard over time to get good results.If you want to explore that option i can help you,but it will cost money.If you want to call me here in albuquerque NM to discus it you can call any time.Just go to my web site for contact page.

All the best


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