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Slow slow slow

2016/7/22 10:07:04

I have been running for six weeks now and I am running three miles five times a week.  The problem is I can't seem to get any faster.  I will really push myself and still have a 12 min/mile.  Sometimes I will run a 15 min/mile.  I am pretty sure I can walk faster than that.  I am excited that I am running as far as I am, but when 'real runners' ask my about my pace and I tell them they say that it's really slow.  I want to run a 5K but I don't want to embarrass myself.  Any tips?

Hi Carrie
You have just started and genetically we are all different.In time you wlll be picking it up as you become fitter.I would not worry about it.Speed in the early stages means nothing.It takes time for the muscular skeleton system to adapt.As far as the 5k goes just enjoy it and have fun.There is always someone faster and there is always some slower.You do not need to be embarrassed.You should be applauded for getting for started.Do not worry about what others think.I started just like you and in time got faster.Your best running will be ten years from now if you keep it up.Any other questions just shout Carrie.

All the best

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