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2016/7/22 10:06:49

Hi myself and my wife want to start jogging we both are not the fitest of people. Can you give us any advice on how we should start off eg, dstance we should run, and any warm up exercises we should be doing.

many thanks

Hi Martin
Congratulations on moving forward and deciding to get fit.The most important thing to remember is you have to have a great deal of patience and don't be in a hurry because you will just end up with a lot of stress related injuries to the muscular skeleton system.The body will adapt at it's own pace.Your job is listen to your body and feed it with the well balanced nutrients of carbs,protein and veggies to fuel the machine.I don't no what your over all goal is,but i would recommend for starters is work your way up gradually to where you can run non stop for 45 minutes at a very comfortable relaxed pace 4 to 5 days a week.This will then give you a very nice solid base foundation and strong muscular skeleton and cardiovascular system.From here you can make some decisions about where you want to take it from here,who no's maybe train for a marathon.You don't need a time dead line to accomplish this program,because it doesn't make any difference.When you get there your there,no stress.You don't need to warm up or do any stretches just start out easy and keep it that way.There is no harm in taking some walking breaks along the way if you want to.I would add 500mg of vit C to your 3 meals a day to enhance recovery of tendons,ligaments,and collagen.Also if you end up with some general soreness a long the way EPSON salt bahts for about 20 minutes are fabulous and if you do them as the last thing you do before you climb into bed your body will get the max benefits and nights sleep will be the gold standard for you both.Now your all set to start your journey.Good luck to you both.For what it is worth i started just like you guys a number of years ago and it totally change my life and i'm sure it will do for you if you give it time and commitment.Any other questions just get in touch Martin.

All the very best

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