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shoulder pain while jogging

2016/7/22 10:06:35

Hi, I've been jogging consistently for about 3 weeks now, 3 times a week, and I've been experiencing consistent shoulder cramps/pain.  I've tried to jog with good posture and keep my upper body relaxed, which helps somewhat, but the pain doesn't go away.  I'm wondering what I can do to get rid of these cramps.  

Hi Christine
That can be quite a normal thing to happen as a new runner as many of the muscles and tendons have never experienced this kind of repetitive  overload consistently.In time it will go away as you get in shape.What you can do before and after is some stretches and shoulder rotations and also self massage your shoulders.You can also add 500mg vit c with your 3 meals a day which will help with recovery of tendons muscles ligaments collagen.You can also do some icing after to reduce inflammation.Give these a whirl and let me know how it goes if you will.Any questions just get in touch.

All the best

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