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lateral knee pain

2016/7/22 10:06:33

I went hiking about a month ago and twisted my ankle, but never hurt my knee. Went for a run outside the next day around my neighborhood, which has a few up and down hills. And the following day I could barely walk with excruciating lateral knee pain. I decided to take a few weeks off as a result. I went for a run inside tonight, so that I could have a flat surface and felt great at first. However, after driving home and getting out of my car I had the same pain again. Fortunately, it went away after about an hour. My question is, should I go to the doctors? get an MRI? Or does this sound more like a sprain or IT band problem?  

Hi Kelly
You don't need to see a doctor and get an MRI.It appears it is starting to heal based a few things you mentioned.It seams like you strained some tendons ligaments surrounding the knee,but unless i talk to you i can't be sure.I would recommend a up right stationary bike workouts to correct any tracking and alignment issues which i'm sure you created when you twisted the ankle.I would do running until this is resolved.If you want to call me here in albuquerque NM any time i would be happy to discuss this in more detail with you Kelly.Just go to my site for contact page.

All the best


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