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Once a week

2016/7/22 10:06:33

My treadmill has died, so I am prepared to get over my shyness and run outside.Besides its cooled off now, and I dont enjoy running in the heat.
I am 55 in fair shape, but maybe its a good thing the treadmill is dead because all it did was give me sore knees and feet, and trying to keep on that belt in a straight line sucked too.
My interest in running is not so much weight loss as it is maintaining my heart and lungs and burning off stress.
I can probably manage twice a week, three times tops. Should I go three times for shorter runs, or plan for a weekly long run, which I can probably fit better into my schedule.
Thanks for your wisdom.

This Chicago, South Loop & Elmhurst Podiatrist of AnklenfootCenters.com says.......

Dear Bud,

It is best for you to exercise three times a week for 45 minutes for the best aerobic benefits.
If your schedule does not allow this then try to exercise for an hour twice a week of moderate intensity. Slow down your speed, and sprint, walk and do slow and fast runs in that hour interval. By mixing it up-you will get aerobic benefits-even with only two days.
Make sure you leave a few minutes before and after for stretches and warm-ups.
Ease into any new regimen
Hope This Helps!
Good Luck!
The podiatrists of AnkleNFootCenters.com are specialists in foot & ankle pain.
We are located in Chicago & Elmhurst

Dr George Tsatsos & Svetlana Zats
Podiatrist Chicago 60618 & Elmhurst 60126 Podiatrists
Board Certified in Foot and Ankle Surgery & Orthopedics
New South Loop Location-Chicago 60661

This information is offered as free advice and as general information. It may not be applicable to the specific questioner and his/her problem.  It is not based on actual knowledge of the questioner or his/her medical history and it cannot and should not be relied upon as definitive medical opinion or advice.  Reliable medical opinion and advice can only be obtained through hands-on physical contact and exam of the patient to establish an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.  No doctor/patient relationship is created or established here and may not be inferred through answers on this site.  The questioner and other readers must consult his/her own doctor before proceeding or implementing any suggestions contained within this document and answers on this site.  The questioner is only to act upon his/her own doctor抯 orders and recommendations. By reading this posting which follows, the reader fully understands and confirms that he/she holds harmless this writer. If this is not fully agreeable to you, the reader, and/or you have not attained the age of 18 years, you hereby are advised to read no further.
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