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knee hurting

2016/7/22 10:06:33

I am 44 years old and training for the Nike 1/2 marathon in SF in October.
I have always had feet issues, I have had orthodics made, can't wear flat shoes(flip flops) because my heel hurts and I go to the gym often but now that I have started running for the training my knees hurt after the run and sometimes my back.  The day after the runs my knees are still sore.
Not sure if I am not stretching enough or I just have bad knees.
I just purchased new sneakers for running.
What do you suggest I do?

Hi Sandra
You don't have bad knees and stretching is not the problem and i think you meant running shoes as apposed to sneakers.I would recommend you include 3 days a week with up right stationary bike workouts for 45 min to correct any tracking and alignment issues which will also help with your knee issues do to weak quads that support the knee and will also help support the back do to the change in posture of the core area.If you have other questions just get in touch Sandra or if you want to call me here in albuquerque NM to get more clarity any time just go to my site for contact info.

All the best

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