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Knee issue

2016/7/22 10:06:30

Dear sir,

I have noticed a clicking sound on my knee. There is no pain. Just a click whenever I go up stairs or as I stretch my leg while sitting.

I'm a male, 30 years old. I used to be overweight, but I lost 75 pounds (28 kg) with proper diet and walking and now I'm 227 pounds (85 kg). As I was getting slimmer, I started jogging and later on running and sprinting. I may have pushed myself too far, as my knee started to feel a bit discomfortable. When I noticed that clicking sound I stopped every training activity.

Now it's been 2 weeks that I rest waiting for the clicking sound to go away. What should I do? I already feel the pounds coming back. The clicking sound got lighter but doubled itself and now the knee gives away two short clicking sounds when I stretch my leg, like "click-click".

Should I just ignore those sounds and get back at my training since I don't feel any pain, but just a slight discomfort or should I wait a little longer?

Thank you for your time,
Best regards

Hi John
You never want to ignore any symptoms since your body is trying to talk to you like a oil gauge on a car.You probably have some tracking and alignment issues and perhaps a slight case of chondromalacia.The best tool for this for a course of action is up right stationary bike workouts for 30 to 45 minutes as often as you can with med tension and high rpm 65 to 90.Last have a lot of patience and be consistent with your workouts and let me know how it is coming in time.

All the best


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