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SLow jogging

2016/7/22 10:06:22

I have been losing weight (down 60lbs) and started jogging.  I have built up to 7 miles HOWEVER doesn't matter what I do, I always am at a 15min miles  (i know technically that's just a fast walk, but I AM jogging)  Is it better to go further slower, or shorter faster???  How can I increase my speed?

Congratulations on losing the weight!

What I've heard from numerous articles, is that short and fast is a better way to get faster and to lose weight. However, everyone is different. If you do want to try that to become faster, you need to do interval training. That is where you sprint for a minute and walk a minute. As you become faster/stronger, you can increase the time sprinting/decrease the time in rest (but make sure to always have at least 25 sec. rest, otherwise, it isn't interval training anymore). Good luck, I hope that helps you become faster.  
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