Long distance vs. high intensity
2016/7/22 10:05:50
Dear John,
I really hope I can get a clear answer on this, I've had to ask a lot of people this question without a whole lot to work on. So here's the deal: I've been hearing a lot about this "whole long distance burns muscle" thing. I like running long(ish) distance and I've done it a lot in the past to lose weight, but I don't gain much more definition and so that leads me to believe the theory is correct. Is it true? All I want is a lean frame with the muscle I already have on it. I don't want to lose it. But I also find it's easier to get into the mindset of working hard to lose weight when I run longer. What should I do? What kinds of running should I do? And if longer/maintained is the way to go, how can I ease into it? Thanks!
Hi Mike
The only thing you have to is just gradually build your mileage at a pace that is comfortable and if you desire throw in some quicker pic ups at a quicker pace from time to time from 2min to 5 min if you want.I would recommend running for time as apposed to miles.It is your choice how much time you can fit in and it is perfectly alright to go 7 days but work into it gradually.As far as losing lean muscle as long as you put a good well balanced diet together with the necessary carbs quality protein choice and vegies fruit you will be fine.You don't have to do any major heavy duty training to get the results your looking for.For upper body just throw in some push ups 3 to 4 times a week and that's it mike.Any questions just give me a shout.
All the best
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