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2016/7/22 10:05:48

Hello, I have only been running for two years.  The past six months I have been running or biking almost daily.  I have increased my training and my mileage significantly and added quite a bit of hills.  About two and 1/2 weeks ago I woke up the day after a 7 mile run and could not walk.  Since then, I am in amazing pain even when I walk, much less run.  I have not been able to run at all.  I have been spinning and it does not hurt when I spin.  I went to an Orthopedic surgeon who checked it out and said definitely Runner's knee and told me to do straight leg lifts.  I have been doing them twice a day and icing it.  I am getting depressed as I was training for a sprint triathlon.  Should I add weights for the leg lifts?  Any other suggestions?

Hi Stephanie
First the straight leg lifts are worthless and a waist of time.You have some tracking and alignment issues and a slight case of chondromalacia some time called runners knee.This is 100% correctable with patience and consistent workouts.I have worked with 100's of individual including myself around the world with these issues.The best course of treatment is stationary bike workouts at med tension increasing it as you become stronger at 65 to 85 rpm. for 45 minutes to 1hr as often as you can.If you would like to call me here in albuquerque NM any time to get more clarity and discuss your situation your more than welcome and there is no charge.I would recommend it so i can ask a lot more questions to drill down further.Just go to my web site for contact info Stefanie.

All the best

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