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Change in lifestyle...and running/eating schedule

2016/7/22 10:05:47

Hi Nick,

I'm a student who had established a fairly routine schedule when it came to running and eating during the school year. But now for the summer, I flew across the country to DC, where I now have to work all during the day, have class twice a week, and have to deal with heat and humidity. I'm originally from Seattle, so the weather was great for running outdoors. I've been struggling to maintain the same routine I had back in Seattle, but I ended up having to switch a lot of things, so I was hoping to get your input and suggestions.

I am mainly having trouble deciding what I should be eating, specifically during lunch. I don't run competitively, so I'm not really too concerned with how what I eat will affect my running performance, but I am more concerned with what kind of food I should eat that will fill me up and keep me at the weight that I'm at or help me lose weight. I'm also looking for suggestions that are cheap, and quick and easy to prepare. And finally, I was hoping to get your input on running twice a day.

My altered running schedule is as follows:
Mondays and Fridays: wake up early around 5:30 and do a 5-mile run
Tuesdays and Thursdays: wake up at 5:30 and do a 5-mile, then do a 3-4 mile on the treadmill after work (because I really have trouble handling the afternoon heat).
Saturdays and Sundays: 8-10 mile run
So during a normal week here, I run about 40 to 50 mpw.

First question: I've heard that runners often run twice a day--doing a harder or easier run first, then the other later. Is the way that I'm running twice a day really any good? The 5 mile run I do in the morning isn't difficult at all, and the 3-4 mile on the treadmill is definitely easy. The only reason I do it is so that I can get my extra miles in, but I can't tell if it's really beneficial.

Second question: what easy-to-prepare/quick/healthy foods could I eat for lunch that will help me maintain/lose weight while keeping me full? The past couple weeks I would stuff a pita pocket with turkey, avocado, hummus, and spinach and have that with some baby carrots, but I would still get hungry in a couple hours. I would also constantly snack on fruit all throughout the day, but that still wouldn't help. Is a peanut butter sandwich would be any better? I heard that it's more filling compared to a regular sandwich, but isn't the fat content higher?

Thank you,


Twice a days can be good if you approach them properly. Yes, running harder tempo runs in the AM and then going easier at night, or vice versa; is a better way to approach 2/day's then what you are doing now with them. Try and push yourself a bit more in the morning runs to start, doing a mile to warm-up at your regular pace, and then kicking up the pace a bit to your 5K pace for a mile, then back to your regular pace, and then last 2 miles at 10K pace. Try doing this type of variation with the AM run and then the PM run, keep it easy, you should start to see yourself get more out of the two a days.

If you are putting on 50+ miles a week, one thing you can't be shy on is fueling your body. I would focus on items that are high in protein and carbohydrates, lots of color in your diet and try and keep the processed foods limited. I'd look to spread mini meals throughout the day to keep your hunger down and do well at the normally breakfast, lunch and dinner.Keep your meats lean (chicken, fish, pork). Eat lots of FRESH vegetables, and fuits. Also, a daily vitamin and fish oil, if you don't have it already, make it happen, you'll love it!

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