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Knee Pain and Clicking sound while walking

2016/7/22 10:05:46

Hi John
I am 28 yrs old and my knee used to make clicking sound while bending since childhood. Last week, I played a game of baseball and did lot of running. Next day I had severe pain in my left knee. I used Ice and did rest my knee for couple of days and felt better but as soon as I started walking and could hear some clicking noise in my left knee even while walking. Now I keep getting the pain sometime above the knee cap and then below the knee cap. I also do feel some sharp pain inside my knee if I put some weight on my left leg. I am trying to give some rest to my knee but want to start playing baseball again soon..
Please suggest, what I can do to recover from this.


Hi Manu
You have developed some tracking and alignment situations which is quite common especially with athletes.In addition to the above you could very likely be developing chondromalacia.The best course of treatment for this from many years of experience and being my own first client and assisting 100's of individuals around the world with great success. is stationary bike workouts for 45 min to 1hr as often as you can at med tension increasing it as you become stronger at 65 to 85rpm.The only thing is i can't tell you how long it will take since everybody's situation is different.My situation took me 8 months 7 days a week.You just have to keep testing it from time to time over the course of treatment.The most important thing is to have a great great deal of patience.This is a serious problem so don't blow it off and expect a quick fix.This has been coming on for a long and this is just the way it is.iF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS JUST GIVE ME A SHOUT OUT Manu.

All the best

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