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recovery period

2016/7/22 10:05:41

Hi, I know your specialty is running, but I have a related triathlon question.

I was new to triathlon last year and started training in July (I learned to swim, bought a bike...) and did my first 3 sprints September 2010. Then I spent the winter base training and doing lots of low intensity and building up my mileage.

From June-September 2011, I've done 14 triathlons (3 olympic distances and 11 sprints) but was very unwise...I overtrained, didn't rest enough, and spent too many of my workouts in the "no-zone".

I've been told that two weeks rest is a good amount of time for recovery, so here's my question for you, with the runners you train. Does "2 weeks rest" mean stay in bed for 2 weeks? Can I still go for walks? What exactly does a long rest period entail?

I'm hoping to start training for a half-ironman, starting in Nov (but this time, I'll be a good athlete and not overtrain!) so I want to make sure my body has time to "reset" before then.

I was planning on starting my 2 week rest period last monday, but I ended up going for a 3 mile walk, and today I ended up swimming (I live in CT and I wanted to get my last chance at enjoying outdoor swimming!) reeeally slowly, just for 15 minutes. Is it still considered rest if you stay in HR Z1, or does rest mean REST?

Again, I know you aren't a triathlon coach, but with your running experience and training, a lot of it is similar as far as periodization, recovery, etc.

Thank you!

Hi Lisa
Building a little rest phase to regenerate is the same for triathlon and running and any other sport.There is no exact time for the down time or type of rest and no you don't need to be in bed.It varies from all individuals.Some of the kenya athletes after a long period of racing just take 30 days with no running and then start building up again.I would say as long as you don't push or hammer workouts and just keep the runs short and relaxing and same goes for swimming you will be find.I would cut way back on both and as you did go for walks.Your body will really thank you and you will be much stronger when you start to come back and build.I would recommend 3 to 4 weeks easy workouts.Recovery is just as important as any specific workout during a build up and also in between events.Don't worry about your heart rate just relax and let the body heal and regenerate.I hope this covers it,but if you have more questions just get in touch.Also if you would like to call me here in Albuquerque NM and time for more clarity and discussion i would enjoy that.There is no charge.Just go to my web site for contact for contact.

All the best

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