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making stamina

2016/7/22 10:05:32

Hey mr.nick
i am a tennis player . problem with me is i have  no stamina . during the play i always loses my stamina and start to breath heavily .that is the problem with me for many months . i wish u tell me some exercises to overcome stamina.

Great question Arham.  The best exercise program for you will be one based on high-intensity interval training and jogging for the amount of time you play tennis.  People commonly use circuits to accomplish this.  The reason for these three suggestions is based on the law of specificity.  You want to train in a similar manner that you perform.  

High-intensity interval training
You have to be very explosive in tennis over and over again.  Go to youtube.com and search "plyometric circuit training" and "4 minute workout".  You want to do at least 20 minutes total of these workouts twice a week.  Don't do it more often as they are very taxing on the body and will lead to overtraining.

If you typically play tennis for an hour or longer then you want to jog for at least an hour.  This will help your body to produce energy more efficiently. It will also give you the ability to workout more days of the week and not overtrain because you can't do the high-intensity interval training everyday.  

Let me know if you have any questions about these.  I know with these you'll find you have a lot more energy to play tennis after 3 weeks of following this.  
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