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Hamstring pain

2016/7/22 10:05:18

Hi. I am a marathon runner and ran last years London marathon in April in 3.40 but this year I had to defer my place. I have just turned 48years. In December last year I started to get funny hamstrings where they went tight and felt "nervy". Thought it was piriformis syndrome but that has been ruled out. Did have a bit of sacro iliac pain on left side but that has now gone. I have seen 4 physios, having acupuncture at the moment, seen a consultant and had an MRI scan. The MRI showed nothing other than Very mild OA on my T5. Nothing wrong with my hips, SI or spine. My symptoms are that my hamstrings are extremely tight and because of this I csnnot run. I can do about 2 to 3 miles but its pain all the way and my legs just seize up as I go on. My speed has disappeared and my flexibility had diminished by about 50%. I am so frustrated as no-one knows what it is and my consultant wants to inject my spine to see if they can find the cause. I dont want this unless I have to. I did not run at all for 4 months to see if it would get better. Rest has not helped at all but running does make them tighten up more. Although jogging on the spot does not hurt. I try to stretch hamstrings every day which helps at the time but then they seize up again by end of day. Everyone seems to think it is referred pain from my back but I am not convinced as have no back ache and MRI was clear. It feels nervy as if something is pulling on the nerves. It came on literally overnight so I hadnt done anything to specifically get this. Have you any idea what this could be or any advice on more tests or rehab for me? I would be so greatful if you could help me.

Gillian,  It sounds like you've seen many people.  It sounds to me like there is imbalance somewhere. We could have several days of different tests I'd like you to do, but it would be faster if we video chatted.  It is surely a musculoskeletal problem.  Major nerve or infection problems would have been found by the professionals you've seen.  I could demonstrate what to do and then ask you questions while you are doing certain motions.  If I don't find what I believe I will find then I could do research and get back to you after that.  I would imagine that I can see results in one session though.  The OA is surely not it. Everyone at your age would show mild OA somewhere.  If you would like to video chat (I normally use Skype) please email me at [email protected] and I can set that up.  Because I provide my services as an expert on allexperts.com for free this session will be free as well so don't worry about a charge. I hope I can help you very quickly.   

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
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