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2016/7/22 10:05:11

Hello sir,  

My question is i brisk walk 6 day's a week(9.50 minute pace 40 minutes)What i do during that walk is Sprint for about 30 seconds every 5-6 minutes then i really start sweating especially living in Florida which is a little tougher in the heat.Can i burn more fat this way.I feel better my resting pulse rate is 48-50 beats a minute in the morning.I due notice a drop in my blood pressure after the run 101/58 sometimes lower and i'm very pale after the run.I would figure i would have a little color after a Brisk walk in the hot sun.Like i said i never felt better i'm 49 yrs old and feel like i did in my low 30s.I lost 28 pounds in 5 months.Is this
program that I'm doing ok or should i slow it down a bit...Thank you.

Joey, It sounds like you are doing a fabulous job. There are 2 things you want to check that happen when you exercise to ensure safety.

1) Check your heart rate before and during exercise. I know you know your resting which is looks very good, but it's vital to know before and during so that we know if it rises a minimum of 10 beats per minute. If it rises when you exercise then that's all you need to know.

2) Check your blood pressure before and during exercise. It's normal to have it be lower after the run. We need to make sure that it rises during the run.  

If both are normal keep it up!  

*It is always recommended to check with your physician before exercise.  
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