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calf pain

2016/7/22 10:05:11

I have been running for about two years now and I used to be able to run four miles easily. For the past few months my calves have been tightening up right at the beginning of every run and make it difficult to reach 3. The tightness wraps into my shins but is centralized in the inside of each calf, the right calf being worse. What is going on? How can I get back to 4 miles?

Thanks so much!

That's no fun Rachel! The first thing I would try is changing your foot strike.


These are 2 links that will demonstrate different foot strikes. If this eases/changes it then that means it is a mechanical issue and you just need to change the mechanics of your running.

If that doesn't ease/change it then let me know and I have other suggestions. This is the first and easiest step to take so that's what I like to start with.  
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