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Running the 800m

2016/7/22 10:04:58

I am an 800m runner in Track and my speed in pretty good, but I feel I get tired to quick. How do I fix that?

Derek... run a lot. I know that doesn't help at all, but I'm serious. I assume that when you say you get tired too quick you feel like 800m is farther than what your legs are equipped to do. I also assume you are on a team so you're doing what the coaches instruct you to do. I'll give you some workout tips and some other tips.

1) Run 1000m repeats. This is just a bit farther than the 800m, but not so much farther that it won't translate over to your race. Run 90% of your 800m for 1000m and perform that 6 times.

2) Make sure to sleep a lot. You can't sleep too much.

3) Sleep a lot.

4) Sleep a lot. (Yes I know that I put that there 3 times.)

5) Eat lots and lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. Also, eat lots of carbohydrates. You can't eat too much.

6) Eat within 15 minutes after you run. This has been proven to put glycogen back into your muscles so you're ready for running the next day.

7) Drink lots of water.

Let me know if you have further questions.Good luck!
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