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Strained foot

2016/7/22 10:04:46

QUESTION: Hi Nick - 2 weeks ago during a run in the frigid NE I slipped on ice and twisted my inner ankle/instep/arch of my left foot. I finished the run and even ran the next 2 days. It became sore and uncomfortable after that. Especially in the morning after being off it all night. Straight ahead is fine but change of direction is tender. Loosens up after the first 3/4 mile or so. The inner ankle was swollen a but. Ankle bone not as visible. Would you suggest no running indoors or out until it feel fine or is use the better way to go?

ANSWER: Hey Len, Good to hear you're running even when it's cold! Keep running. If it's not continuing to improve after 2 more weeks then take a break. Make sure to keep your ankle moving in all different directions throughout the day. Typically stiff and sore in the morning or after not moving is indicative of some joint involvement. It's possible that the joint and not the ligament is what is giving you trouble 2 weeks after the initial injury. Movement helps that. Either way, let the symptoms be your guide.

Don't hesitate to ask any more questions.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It has been 2 weeks since the initial injury but I have run on it some since then. Do you recommend cold to reduce inflammation or heat to increase circulation and loosen tightness/stiffness at this point?

Good question Len. I don't use ice. I am of the camp (although still a relatively small one) that it slows down healing (http://athleticmedicine.wordpress.com/2013/11/07/why-ice-and-anti-inflammatory-m). I don't think heat hurts anything, but the heat doesn't go very deep so I don't find it very beneficial, but am fine if you try it.

If you continue to run and it doesn't get better try taking a week off of running and doing different exercise. Swimming, biking, or an upper-body bike would all be excellent.
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