winning horse pictures
I have moved to the U.K.but I lost all my winning photos from all the races my horsers ever won in the USA. How do I find and pay for those photos again. Racecourses that I won races in Calder,Laurel,Pimilco,oh bye the way I was a groom.
Yours Truly Jenna
Yours Truly
Finding all of those photos again could prove to be difficult, but depending on how old they were, your best bet is to contact each racetrack, ask for the contact information for the track photographer, and explain to him what happened. Most track photographers keep the negatives or digital disks from all of their work.
If the photos are older, and the same photographer isn't working the track any longer, the track may be able to tell you who the photographer was during that time, and hopefully you can trcak him down to get copies.
Good Luck!
Stephanie Frost
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