Horse at Track
My friend has a horse at the track that has been off for 1 year because of an injury. He was just getting started then. He is back but he seems to want pull up at certain places on the training
track. He is using a ring bit without the ring. Does he need
a different kind of bit? Or do you think there is another problem.
He is completely sound. Can you advise me. Thanks, Susan
Hello Susan,
Some horses that have had an injury will remember how and/or where they got injured. If the injury was traumatic, then they may react to places and/or things that remind them of the trauma. He may not like the track, or certain parts of the track, and is looking for a way out off the track completely. I would get a patient rider who understands horses like this and I would train the horse in company with a confident horse, or even a pony. If the horse is sound and it's just a mental thing, then just be patient and keep working with the horse until the problem, hopefully subsides. It may never get better or may take a long time.
Christopher Crocker
over night sheets