QuestionQUESTION: hello sir, why to castrate a 2 year old colt?
ANSWER: I don't castrate unless the horse can't keep his attention on business. You also may want to castrate a horse who seems to be growing a little thick in the neck. It is a decision you must make for every individual horse. If you think you may have a possible breeding stallion in the future, this may also be a determining factor in the decision to castrate your racing prospect.
Christopher Crocker
Crocker Racing Stable Inc.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: sir, i didnt understand what is growing a little thick in the neck?
Crocker Racing
You want a light, flexible neck in a horse. A colt tends to grow a thicker, heavier neck and will bring the horse out of balance up front (too heavy). You want an agile frame for racing. Some short, stocky, wide, thick horses do make great sprinters. I prefer a light framed horse with wide chest to run route.
Christopher Crocker