Color of numbers on saddle cloth
I am trying to correlate the color of the numbers on a saddle cloth.For example if the saddle cloth is red will the number on it be in white or black,etc.I believe there is an agreed upon color combination that is standard.Thanks
Hi William,
To the best of my knowlege there are no ' rules ' as such for saddle cloth / number colours in any country. However, common sense suggests that a combination of contrasting primary colours would be much easier to read by the race caller, and stand out better in the photos.
In New Zealand we use a wide range of colours of saddle cloths, often corresponding with a race sponsor but in general they use black with yellow, red with white, green and pink, dark blue and silver and so on.
The important thing is the size and placement of the number behind the jockey's boot.
Hope this helps,
Don Boddie
New Zealand.
A horse named Prince Vitesch III or something?
Training Ex-racehorse