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throughbred training

2016/7/15 11:28:48

Hello:  thank you for your expertise.  I have a 5 year old maiden mare here in CA.  she ran 7 furlongs on 8/25 and ran a great race finished 7th in a field of 12.  then I ran her back on 8/31 onemile and 1/16th she ran 4th and ran a great race.  I want to train her for a mile race coming up on 10/5/06.  I have a training schedule in mind, but I would like your opinion of how you would train her?  she is walking this week to 9/8 then we begin her jogging etc. galloping.
thank you for your help.  It is desperately needed.

hi linda  well my experience with training fillies and mares are quite varied.  i had a fillie that neede all the training to get her to run and had another fillie that didn't take training at all. you know her better then i do , so i would keep to your training that has had her hitting the board for you. if she has been gaslloping and working between races then i would keep that training, and if she is a fillie that dosn't take the training and likes little work , then i would keep her at that  training. i would always train the horse according to the needs of that particular horse. i have won races at 1 1/4 miles after walking the horse for 30 days, that horse  did not like to train much at all and that horse won 12 races that year for me. so you will have to use your judgement on this particular horse. i hope i have been a little help for you  good luck in her upcoming race.  thanks ED HESS
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