1. Resolution of the Mystery: The protagonist, a young woman named Ursula, discovers the truth about her family's past and the circumstances surrounding her great-grandfather's disappearance. She learns about the secrets held by her family, including the involvement of her own father.
2. Confrontation: Ursula confronts her father and forces him to come to terms with his actions and the impact they had on her life and the family. This confrontation allows Ursula to gain closure and move forward.
3. Healing and Forgiveness: As Ursula confronts the secrets and unresolved issues of the past, she begins to heal emotionally. She finds forgiveness for her father and herself, allowing her to let go of the pain and resentment she has carried for so long.
4. New Beginnings: The story ends with Ursula embarking on a journey of self-discovery and growth. She leaves behind the family home, symbolizing her willingness to let go of the past and embrace a new life. Ursula is now ready to create her own path and future, free from the burdens of her family's past.
5. Connection to the Supernatural: Throughout the novel, Ursula experiences supernatural occurrences related to the ghost canoe and her great-grandfather's disappearance. In the end, she comes to terms with these experiences and incorporates them into her understanding of the world. The supernatural elements in the story serve as a reminder of the complexity and mystery of life and the existence of forces beyond human comprehension.
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