Johnson 75 Stinger
Dear Ron,
Have an old 75 Stinger that still goes really well. However haven't used it for a year and I don't remember whether it is red to positive or red to negative when connecting the battery.
I seem to remember this being vitally important on the Stinger.
Sincere thanks
Hi Richard....thanks for selecting the undersigned to reply to your question.
Although I'm not a mechanic or an electrician, nor familiar with the Stinger, red usually denotes positive(+) and black is negative(-). Are you concerned about affecting the boat's electrical system and gauges or what effect the connection may have on an engine? To the best of my knowledge, outboard, inboard, and I/O engines are pretty well standard for red/positive-black/negative connections. On the other hand, a Stinger's integral onboard electrical system may have been reversed for whatever reason.
My recommendation is to consult a knowledgeable and reliable marine surveyor or mechanic, or a classic/antique boat dealer for advice.
Safe Boating
Boat almost tipping over
Transom Fiberglassing