Shifters and Throttles
I am a new boater. I now own a 2005 300 Sundancer.Twin I/Os. Unlike other boats my shifter and throttle are on the same levers. My lessons with a Capt. included basic operation as follows. My shifters and throttles have have three positions Neutral, a little bit forward engages the gears and further forward gives the engines gas and makes the boat go faster. When I engage the gears as per my Capt I am in idle speed no gas is being generated and the boat will operate at a very slow speed. I was concerned though that I would grind the gears if this is done.I read that in the Manual. When I engage the gears I see no prop wash just a very light wake and the boat starts to move very slowly. This is the speed recommended in the marina and docking. Am I doing this procedure correctly? Just need a little clarification on this procedure. Thanks Much
Hi Ray...thanks for selecting the undersigned to reply to your question.
Sounds to me as though you're doing everything correctly. Just remember, if you engage fwd. or reverse gears too slowly, you will definitely hear a grinding noise, so make certain you shift with a degree of positive authority, but not too rapidly and too far, otherwise, you will notice the jolt as the throttle creates acceleration. When docking, practice makes perfect, particularly when it is windy. That's when two engines can make a big difference, when one engine is in fwd. and the other is in reverse to swing around and dock in tight quarters. Practice, practice, practice, and soon you'll be a master mariner.
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water in gas
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