Boat Paint
QUESTION: I have a 1996 Searay signature series ski boat that i have put a wakeboard tower and accessories on. The boat looks really god but the paintjob is outdated and needs to be completely redone. What is the best way to go about this? Can i do it myself and if so, what are some suggestions for brands of paint needed and everything else that i would need to have to do this. I am on a budget so i will most likely do it myself as i have done everything else.
Thank you
ANSWER: If you go to you can get a quote for your boat bottom. They also have nice colors in Urethane for the above water portion if you like. For your boat I would recommend the Teflon Urethane bottom paint in Navy, or charcoal.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for the response, I have done a little more research and I believe I want to use awlgrip to recoat the boat above and below the waterline. From what i have read, I believe it may be more durable and last longer. I do not know if you have experience with this, but the boat is fiberglass with a gelcoat. Please give me a list of things I will need and need to do to accomplish this task. I am new to boat surfacing.
Thanks Again
I am not familiar with awlgrip. It is usually best to sand your bottom with 80 to 120 grit paper before re-coating. This removes any fiberglass mold release that may still be lingering on your fiberglass boat. Sanding also removes surface wax and growths. Then wipe down the surface. I usually hose off the dust then wipe the bottom down with a microfiber cloth. Most coatings can go on with a roller and brush. Start from a low spot and go up to avoid drips.
Good Luck.
Painting a restored Sunfish sailboat
weight and motor capacity (CONFUSED)