I was wondering about body building. Is there a program for me (17 years old) that would buil endurance. I am trying to reach my goal of doing a century. Is there any tips on how to complete a century without too much pain other than bodybuilding and eating/drinking.
Hi Jeff,
First I have to know, Did you complete the Century? Wasn't it a wonderful feeling? I am just writing to keep in contact, let you know that I am here if you need help and offer you a subscription to my new weekly health and fitness email newsletter.
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Have a great day,
Jerry Goodwin
Hi Jeff,
Bicycling Magazine has actually done several articles on completeing and competing in Century rides and Races. I have completed many Century rides though I have never raced.
One thing that you will need to do in addition to eating right and resistance training to build endurance is to ride. When I train for a long ride like a century I double my usual morning ride and compete against the clock. I normally do about 8 -10 miles inthe morning before breakfast. When training I may double or even triple that and try to complete the ride in the same time as the more leisurely 8-10 mile rides. I usally start increasing my training at least 8 weeks before the planned ride. I use the bike as Cardio on the days I don't weight train and I also use it for any errands possible. I even use it to go get groceries. I have a trailer and fill it up with groceries, bringing it back from the store with a trailer loaded down is a great workout in itself.
When training for a century I try to get up to where I am doing between 20 and 25 miles a day in a not more than 2 hours. I train to complete, if you are going to compete in a race you will need a much better speed than mine. Also I am 52, at 17 you should be much faster anyway.
I beleve that there is an article about training for a century at the website at at least there was. It should be well worth your reading.
Hope this helps,
Have a great day
Jerry Goodwin
Tour de France
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