9spd.cassette with 8spd.shifters
I have a 9spd. spinergy wheel that I have been using on both my bikes.My Gios has 9spd.shifters
the Trek has 8spd.shifters.on the Trek When I get to the 8th cog
I shift to the big ring and everything works fine.
Is there any reason to worry?
Hello Emil,
First I am so sorry kept you waiting so long on a answer.
My interprovider was down for a while.
But here I can now answer your question.
Normally you can't shift a 9 speed cog with a 8 speed shifter.
But I now out experience when you adjust this good it is possible.
And you or your lbs is good in it!
So, it can't be hurting your bike or cogs.
Further I only wish you further a lot of cyclesmiles.
Which bike to choose?
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