buying adult bikes - one male, 2 female
Hi - can you help me with good basic advice ! My husband and I plus 15 year old daughter want to take up biking . We Live in south east of London - some tarmac paths, some places you would drive to and cycle from. We want good sturdy bikes that we can use frequently and ride on street and off-road. We know very lttle about what we should be lookigng for, dont want off get ripped off ! I am five feet 3, my daughter 5 feet 6- average weight my hubbie 6ft 2- He is also a big guy !- about 110kg - so he needs a strong frame. What do you suggest. Any makes you prefer - essential fetaures etc.
Hi Cathie,
I would strongly suggest you look at Giant Bicycles, especially their 'Fitness' lineup of bikes. This would be perfect for your needs.
They are made of strong frmaes, without beeing too heavy.
I'm in the Ottawa region, and my friends own a bike shop over here selling Giants. Let me now if you come around here, and I could put you in contact.
planning bike routes online to determine distance etc
Camping/biking suggestions