Road bike racing
I bought a rode bike for racing in a triathlon. I also want to train during the winter months. I have a recumbant bike in the basement. I bought the recumbant because my back often bothers me.
I like the recumbant but I am looking at the trainers and rollers. Any thoughts on trainers versus rollers, and should I sell the recumbant because I don't have room for both?
Hello Gary,
It is a difficult question, to train on rollers or trainers.
Trainers are easier, just hook your bike in it and train.
Rollers are more difficult, old fashion, but gives you a better peddlingtraining.
And a bike to train on rollers or trainers is easy.
If you have often back problems, I will advise you to go to see a sportmedical specialist. Maybe there a some muscles which aren't trained enough, or some other is bothering you.
But also train on your roadbike in the winter, it is good for you (only with no backpain's).
Why sell your recumbant, many biker's have 2 or more bike's.
Mostly one racebike, a trainingbike for bad weatherday's, a bike for the trainers/rollers. And often a mountainbike extra.
The question is, will you have 2 cycles?
Maybe you can store the difficult, hang them on a hook or see for a other storerack.
If you have any other question's, ask me again.
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