Kids Bike
Hi Tad -
My daughter is a very tall 7 year old and is currently riding a fixed gear 20 inch wheel bike. (at least i think it is 20"). Today at the sporting goods store, she sat on a 24 inch bike. I put the saddle all the way down and her feet were almost flat on the floor. She rode it around, (the store had a very long indoor track) and her arms were slightly bent at the elbow. After once around, she was handeling the bike well. It seems to me to be a minimal fit for her. Meaning that she is barely big enough to fit into it. Based on this description, would you agree? Also, when is it time to introduce the concept of gears to kids?
Bill, I have to agree with you that this sounds like a good fit! The big concern is that she wasn't reaching too far but it sounds like everything was just about right. If she is comfortable and seems to handle it safely, and if you are comfortable that she can ride it safely even when you are not around, I think you are making a good choice. Was the color agreeable with her? That is really the biggest choice! (And not only for 7 year old kids!!!)
Do you ride? The reason I ask is that I have seen more children get interested in "speeds" if they have a cycling influence in their lives. I guess the biggest determining factor is if your daughter can get used to using hand brakes as the sole means of stopping the bike. I take it the the 24 inch bike had both foot and hand brakes? If she get comfortable using the hand brakes introducing her to gears will be a breeze, if she has the motivation to use them. I think a lot of kids, and many adults, ride their bikes using one gear. Not bad if your ride is on flat roads all of the time.
Again, if you ride, and you want her to start to join you on some rides on bike trails, getting her used to shifting and teaching her when to shift, can plant the seed of a life time of cycling enjoyment. She may not catch on right away, but given time and gentle coaching will help her truly use the gearing.
I would keep on the course that you are on. The bike that she rode sounds like a great fit and one that she can handle. I would make sure it had at least one hand brake - on the rear wheel if only one - and then start talking about her next bike having "speeds."
Oh, and please make sure she has a properly fitting helmet! (You too!)
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