bike helmet
I wonder what the lowest profile helmet is, i would like to know which helmet in your opinion, looks the smallest on your head. Your input would be greatly appreciated as many of them state they are low profile but compared to what? I am willing to pay up to ?00.
Your recommendations please.
Hello Nathan,
Thanks for your question, and it is a hard one.
Because all those modern helmets are especially made to absorb impacts (therefor the higher volume instead of that old banana helmet from the 80's).
The Giro Aeon should be more flattened against other helmets, and I'll guess that you have to try several brands and models.
One to the other can be positioned differently on your head.
Take a look at the helmets from Giro, Specialized, Met or Uvex.
Take care and your on your way to wear a helmet, good thought!
choice of bikes
electric/recharging bike