I bought this bike a while ago, still good, and I want to replace the current tires front 26"x 2.10" and rear 26" x 1.95"
How wide of tires can I go? I thought about the 2.25". Can they fit in front and rear? The bike store wants me to have him instal them,saying that only like this he would know.. I want to buy the tires from another place...
Thank you, Gabriel
2002 FXT Comp Year: 2002
Dear Gabe,
I would love to answer your question, but that depends how wide your current rims are!
The wider the rims, the wider tires you can mount (let mount in this matter).
Normally till 2.10 is not an problem, when you have very small rims and ride with 2.25 (or much wider) you can hurt yourselves if you do very aggressive through corners.
But it also depends what kind of biker you are, the one is an CrossCountry rider and the other will drive much more downhills (wider is better).
Good luck
Rear chain skipping regularly