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womens clubs vs mens

Hello!  I am a left handed lady playing for about 2 years.  Left handed ladies clubs are hard to come by and so my husband and I  have tried to buy good used men's clubs and have them cut and reshafted for me.  We did find a set of left handed ping irons for ladies that I love but, my woods and driver are men's clubs.  I have a Callaway 5 wood that we have reworked that is a dream to hit.  The problem is the 3 wood and driver.  They are both Callaway and even though they have been reshafted and gripped for me they feel as though they are man handling me.  They are not a delight to swing but a struggle.  I have a Tour Edge driver also and it is much lighter and I have gone back to it.  (Mens club also fitted to me) I can hit the Tour Edge driver about 140-160 yards and I have on occasion gotten to 180-190.  I am 48 years old and wondering if I should just give up and try to special order a ladies driver.  Money is a consideration.


I've been out of town for a week on business...no time for golf though (boo-hoo). Anyway, welcome to the wonderful world of golf.

It seems as though you are all set with your irons, but having a bit of trouble with your 3wd. and driver. There's nothing like having to struggle with something that you want to enjoy so much.

I would suggest having your woods tested by your local golf shop (Edwin Watts, Pro Golf, etc.). They usually have the machinery to compare. Since your 5wd. is your "dream club", perhaps the other two may need "tweaking" to match. This will be far less expensive than buying two new clubs. You should also be analyized...this way if you do decide to special order something, you'll have the specifications needed that is best for you.

The next suggestion is based solely on what I've experienced as a women's golf instructor.

Alot of women AND men will hit their 3wd. and driver the same distance. Why? Even though they are taking a full swing with both clubs, there's not enough clubhead speed generated to differentiate. Is this a bad thing? Not at all. Swing harder?...no. Keeping it in the fairway and feeling confident about your shot is much more important. Think of it this way...if your in a tight spot, or your next shot is over the water...what are you going to do? Take the chance with your "negative club" (everyone has one), or swing smooth with your "confidence club"?

I'm also a huge proponent regarding the importance of the short game. The average handicap is 25, or scores of 90-110. The driver is only used 12 to 14 times a round. Where's the rest? Lacking a bit of distance will take a second seat with a strong short game.

Well, I wish you the best of luck. If there's anything else I can be of help, let me know. In the meantime...keep it simple and have some fun!!  

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