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QuestionHi I hope you can help me stop slicing and shanking my driver.  I have a taylormade Burner driver and I just cant hit it. It either goes 250 y

how to set up a league schedule

QuestionI have 10 three man teams that will play for 12 weeks please set up a schedule. Each team will play against only one other team per week. AnswerHi

Blocking - Push Slice Epidemic

QuestionI have been golfing for close to 25 years; at one time I was a scratch player.  Now I hold a 4.5 handicap mostly due to my recent troubles wit

gold tees

QuestionA what age are you considered eligible to hit from the gold tees? One answer said senior is that 55, 60, 65 or ? Thanks AnswerHi Ken, Actually, y

Grass Cuttings on fairway or in the rough

QuestionHi, If a ball is sitting on top of a small pile of grass cuttings on the fairway, is this classed as a loose impediment meaning you can lift the ba

how can i prevent a slice/fade off the tee

QuestionQUESTION: My name is Matt,i am 15 and play golf left handed. My handicap is around 18-20 right now but i cant hit my driver very well. Usually i hi

golfers elbow

QuestionHi, I am writing an article on golfers elbow. I want to know if golfers you have worked/played  with, have been able to play with this condit

Driving yardage

QuestionHi, i am new to the game and trying to work out if i am above or below average with my hitting distances. I regularly hit 90 yards from a 9 iron an

Several questions that need to be answered please.

QuestionHi, I am a 23 yr. old that has been playing golf since I was six. I have always had a couple of problems and never thought I was good enough to go

Violent flipping of wrists on finish

QuestionQUESTION: This doesnt happen often, but if I dont pay attention it will pop up (and I feel it AFTER making contact) with all clubs.  The bad r

New Sport

QuestionI am involved in a large variety of sports, being that Ive just turned 12, I think that it is time for a new sport. Im thinking golf will be a peac

Agreeing whether a ball is in a hazard

QuestionA ball is hit towards a water hazard and almost certainly has gone in it but there is a slight possibility that it might have just missed on the ri

not getting ball up

Question Eddie, I am 80 years old and never have been a good golfer due to a very unflexible lower back, but I love the game!   recently I

my game is almost there BUT...

Questionok i took 1 year off cause of work and everything... but i have returned to playing and i am now 100% focused on golf... i hit my irons nice and cr

shorten the shafts on golf clubs ?

QuestionHi Mike,       Im a senior golfer. Recently, I developed pain and stiffness in my shoulders which limits my left sho

liquid golf ball centers

QuestionI recently got a hold of some used golf balls. Is there a way to tell if a golf ball has a liquid center with out looking up each individual brand

Pushed Shots

QuestionI play golf left handed.More times then not I push my shots(ball goes to the left)and half the time it will slice.I can not recall ever hooking or

severe slice

QuestionI have a bad slice and i have tried numerous things, from different stances to grips.  I drive the ball about 220yards but my slice is about a

Ball Position

QuestionPLeas explain to me the proper ball placement for the long, mid and short irons.  IU have so many different things from the Experts PLEASE HEL

improper takeawy

QuestionI recently had major surgery on my right neck and shoulder.My ball striking has went from average to poor.My playing partners tell me that I am pul

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