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relief from lateral water hazard

QuestionQUESTION: In taking relief from a lateral water hazard that has a steep side slope my question is....after measuring the two club lengths no closer

lack of distance with my pitching wedge

QuestionI have played golf at a high level(shot my age 56 times already)but I still have a great deal of trouble with my higher irons and getting distance

handicaps in doubles matchplay

Questioni was wondering how you work out the handicaps in doubles match play, the 2 sets of handicaps are 11 & 9 on 1 team and 4 & 6 on the other team can

Swing Weight Scale

QuestionJim, I recently acquired an Exact Weight Shadowgraph swingweight scale. Type 4210, serial# 313579, built by Exact Equipment PO Box 866 Levittown, P

Teeing ground

Questionwe are considering changing the naming convention of the various tees at our club. We currently use colors (black, white, red) and are considering

Playing wrong ball

QuestionQUESTION: My playing partner and I both hit good drives down the middle of the fairway. The balls ended up close together and there were no other b

Lost ball over woods

QuestionI was playing a shot dogleg left, first shot landed on the fairway but not a good position, So second shot it went straight into the woods, to sav

How to practice golf efficiently?

QuestionHow can I practice golf efficiently? Thanks, Jack. AnswerJack, I think the best way to practice efficiently is to have a schedule of what you a

Unplayable lie

QuestionRecently whilst playing golf I tried cutting the corner on my drive on a dog leg right Par 4 fairway. I sliced my drive into deep rough and immedia

Local Rule drop zone

QuestionHi, The local rule on our card says If a ball is in, or it is virtually certain that a ball etc ... in a water hazard adjacent to or behind a green

Golf Schedule

QuestionI was wondering if you ca guide me in any way of producing a golf schedule.  I was given the task of getting a schdule together for my league.

use of putter

QuestionCan you use the toe or the back side of the putter to strike the ball when you are on the green or fringe AnswerGreg, From an equipment point of v

Posting scores-usga/ghin

QuestionI live and ,for the most part play in nj,but during the winter,I play in Florida and California.This year,I posted several rounds which I played pr


QuestionPlease clarify Note 1 of rule 17-1 with an illustration to help my friend.  I was near a flag and a person was putting from the fringe and I p

Sore arms and mind management

QuestionHello Mr. Nunn, and thanks for considering my questions. I have 2. The first: when i practice the only available locations offer unlimited balls f

Traveling light

QuestionJim As part of a fitness regime this year I plan to leave the golf buggy and even the cart behind and just walk and carry my clubs over the shoulde

Travelling light

QuestionRob As part of a fitness regime this year I plan to leave the golf buggy and even the cart behind and just walk and carry my clubs over the shoulde

Practice, Goals, and progress. How can I become better?

QuestionQUESTION: Dathaeus, Hello, my name is Josh and I have recently become serious about my golf game.  I have been playing off and on for the pas

golf pairs matchplay

QuestionHi ken can you tell me the ruling on playing the wrong ball in pairs matchplay. I was under the impression that it resulted in loss of hole to the

lefty hitting big hooks

Questionhi. im the golf coach at a high school in minnesota. have a good athlete really good hockey player who is a solid 3 handicap. a lefty hitting big h

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