object out of bounds
QUESTION: My ball lies in bounds by a few inches. There are homes around the golf course. My swing is interfered with by a fence a homeowner has around his yard. The fence is NOT the out of bounds marker. Am I entitled to any relief?
ANSWER: Dear Barry, thanks for the question. Unfortunately, the fence, as not part of the course, offers no relief in the area of your intended swing. Because it is not part of the course it cannot be defined by the rules, (ie: immovable object etc.) therefore cannot be governed by those rules. This is a tough one to swallow, but offers the consolation of being in-bounds and not out, wherein you would lose the distance as well as the full stroke. Good luck, thanks again for asking and remember...
Love the game,
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Skipper:
If the fence would have been on the golf course would there have been relief
Dear Barry...thanks again for the question. If the fence had been on the course as a fixed object it is classified as an Immovable Object and allows for relief of one-club length, not nearer the hole. Funny though, not sure why a fence would be on the course...but I've seen stranger things!! Good luck, and as always, thanks for asking.
ping zing 2
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