natural golf
I've been looking at Moe Norman's swing. Do you like it? Is there a way I could take some of the concepts without having to revamp my whole swing and go to a school for it ?
Dear Neil, thanks for the question. I've known of Moe's swing concept for years. It has some real merit, AND, having said that, it's not for everyone. Just like most things, Moe's take an extensive amount of practice to master. It may sound hard to believe, but this concept is QUITE different, not just a little tweak here and there from conventional swing methods. What has a lot of merit, is that his concept does indeed square the club for a much longer time resulting in a very straight shot. But, you really have to completely commit to a revamped swing. You can't do this "partially," but rather all or nothing. My fear, and I've seen this happen to guys, is that golfers will commit, and completely change everything they've known for years, really like if for a while, stop practicing as much as they did in the beginning, get frustrated, and now they fall somewhere in between swings. And frankly, it's not like you can run down the street and get a refresher lesson...very few teachers know this methodology, and even fewer like it.
On the other hand, I've seen some solid players swear by it, and play really well. I find that the common ground among them however, is that they play regularly and work at their game. Truth is, a player doesn't have to revamp everything they know about the swing to consistently work at their game to improve.
My suggestion, if you're looking to improve your game, would be to get a couple of lessons in a row, work at your game as it is and see where it takes you. If you've grown frustrated with your game and want something really new and fresh, then go for might really like it...just don't go half way...that will never work. Thanks again for asking, good luck and remember...
Love the game,
the swing
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