putting not good
QUESTION: Hello matthew
My entire golf game is perfect besides my putting. I am just not able to hit the ball good. My first flaw is my speed. i will have an amazing iron shot to the green and leave about a ten foot birdie put and i will blow the putt by yhe hole and three put the green. My second flaw is my reads. i line the ball up but it never comes close. thank you for your help
ANSWER: This really is not one i can answer like this that easily without seeing you, you really need to visit a PGA Professional for a lesson, there are hundreds of drills i could give you but without really knowing specifically what is wrong i would rather you went to see a golf pro.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i have one more question how do i swing throw the ball with my irons and not swing fast
Hi, why would you not want to swing fast, except if you hit it too far? swinging fast is not the same as swinging hard, you need clubhead speed to apply spin to the ball etc hitting through the ball is possible and not swinging too hard at the same time if you have control over your tempo. You need to get down the range and practice hitting shots at different levels of effort. Then you can work out which swing gives you what you need.
Occasional folding of arms driver or 3+ wood
downhill lies