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I an 13 about to be 14, and my dream is to become a professional golfer. I practice every week and I am about to start working at southern Hills. What can i do to get my name known and tour courses everywhere

Hello Wesley:  At your age, the best way to become known for your golf is to excel on a high school team and attend college on a scholarship.  I know the PGA tour has a minumum age requirement (I think 18) which means other tours may have as well.  If you do not want to go through the college ranks, there are several tours to play  to "get your feet wet".  The PGA tour has one qualifier each year in the fall/early winter and those who do not play well enough to gain membership there will play one or more of the other tours while they wait for the next what is known as the Tour School.

Google "Professional Golf Tours" and find what's available in your area.  Each should have websites with schedules, rules, etc.

While you wait to start professional golf, every time you play, try to play with someone for something; money or anything of value.  Practise is good but you want to also be practising playing with something on the line.

Good luck Wesley, it's a great life if you can make it.

Fairways and Greens,


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