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not getting ball up


Eddie, I am 80 years old and never have been a good golfer due to a very unflexible lower back, but I love the game!  
recently I am having a hard time getting the ball airborne with irons and fairway woods.  The ball just rolls on the fairway, instead of rising.  Even with a wedge or hybrid club.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.  Milt  

Hi Milt:

Simple answer Milt.....picture this now.  The leading edge of the clubface (at the bottom of the face) is striking the middle to the top of the ball.  If the leading edge hits the middle to the top of the ball, you top it and roll it along the ground.  That is with any club.  So in order for the FACE of the club to strike the ball and allow the LOFT of the club to get it airborne, the leading edge MUST brush the grass. So take your wedge or 9 iron and go make some small swings without a ball and start brushing some grass.  Give that grass a haircut and even rip some turf out of the ground.  Do that enough until you feel confident you can do that with a ball.  So, when you put a ball there, there will be an instinct (especially you Milt) to try to get under the ball and lift it up into the air.  But remember my explanation earlier.  The more you try to lift it up, the more you swing the clubhead up.  The more the clubhead goes up, the more the leading edge hits the middle to the top of the ball and the more you keep rolling it along the ground.  So, here is your new image to go practice with.  Instead of trying to lift it up, try swinging your club and driving it more forward.  Picture the clubface against the ball, driving the ball more forward, not up.  Once the clubface starts to make contact with your ball, the leading edge will be brushing the turf or taking a divot.  Once that happens, the clubface (which has that angle on it called loft) will lift your ball up into the air for you.  Start brushing the turf Milt, it will make your golf life so much easier.  

Eddie Kilthau
PGA Member

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