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QUESTION: So facing toward one o clock will change my outside in swing to inside out? (or more on plane)?

ANSWER: Jeff:  

I did not say to face 1 o'clock.  I said to swing towards 1 o'clock, there is a huge difference.  When you align your body to the target, the clubface should be at a right angle to the target line so that the clubface is looking right at the target.  Because you stand off to the side of the ball in golf, a line across your toes (toeline) would be parallel to the target line.  So if you think I just said to face 1 o'clock, you would be lined up way to the right and NO, that most certainly will not help you fix your outside to in path.  When you address the ball, set up square.  I will assume you know what that means.  If you don't, let me know.  As the club approaches the impact area, it needs to be moving from in to out, instead of out to in like you do.  

Eddie Kilthau
PGA Member

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok, thanks for that information..

I just played today, and something reallllly weird happened.

Yesterday I was at the range practicing my 5 wood over and over, and I finally got it down. It was going straight and wasn't doing anything weird, like hitting it thin etc.

Today at the course I used my 5 wood a few times, but it was HORRIBLE! I was like either hitting it thin and slicing it or just hitting these messed up shots that just went straight right and had basically no distance.

I really don't know what I was doing wrong. I was thinking of what you said and what I usually do: Slow backswing and don't force follow through (don't really know about last part because people said I was swinging fast through), right knee bent, and keeping the 5 wood club face open because I was hitting it low.



Welcome to golf buddy.  Tough isn't it?  One day you have it, the next day it's like you've never played before.  That is the way it is.  Keep practicing and keep it simple.  Don't waffle on what it is your working on.  

Eddie Kilthau
PGA Member

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