turning my hands over too quickly
Hello, I'm 18 years old and have been playing golf seriously for about two years now. With a few lessons it seems like my game has been improving every day to the point where i am shooting mid 70's consistently, but just recently i started turning my hands over way to soon with my driver swing. When i swing i can feel the club turning in my hands and when the club face gets to impact its completely closed. Its been about a week now since this started happening and its very frustrating since i play every day. I thought i could fix it but it just seems to be getting worse, i just thought i would see if anyone could give me some tips before i spend 100 dollars for a lesson.
Sounds like you are losing your grip on your club, so start first and make sure your grip is correct. If your grip is correct, then start swinging the handle more than the head. So from the top of the backswing, take the handle of the club and swing the handle and the shaft together all the way to the finish. See Justin, your hands control the clubface, your arms control the shaft. So if your hands are too active, then you are trying to hit the ball with them. So, picture this now and do some practice swings in slow motion. If the handle and the shaft arrive at and move the impact area ahead of the clubhead, then you must have swung your arms more and not tried to flip the clubhead or clubface at the ball...right? So make some swings and sense how you take the shaft and the handle of the club and swing them through the impact area instead of the clubface. Different way to look at this I know, but get a clear picture in your brain of what I am asking you to do. As soon as your hands try to control the clubhead during your swing, that will screw it up. So if you sense as though your arms are being used more instead of your hands, then that would slow down the turning of the clubface which should result in better, squarer clubface contact and straighter shots.
Eddie Kilthau
PGA Member
golf swing relative to ground
Shanking with shorter wedge shots