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club choices

I am just starting to break 90 in my second year of golf. But now that I have learned a little I am looking to buy clubs that are more fit to me. my question is, I am taking the thought of having another wedge in the bag as my wedges only consist of 47, 56, and 60. I do hit it long and like to try to hit par 5's in two from int. tees. I have D, 3W, and 5W and was thinking of dropping the 5W and the 3I for a 2 hybrid in hopes that I can choke up if needed a 3i distance and still have something of a 5W distance on full swings. My most played course I need a 3I for one of the par 3's as a 5W goes to far, but, a 3I comes a little short. Would dropping a 3I and 5W for a 2 Hybrid be a good choice to get a 52* wedge? Or can you think of a better set up?

Hi Shaun:

Drop your 3 wood instead and grab a 51 or 52 degree wedge.  It's all about scoring, and your 3 iron is not a scoring club.  Neither is your 3 wood, you probably don't use your 3 wood very much either.  I'd maybe get a 16 or 17 degree hybrid for those second shots on par 5's.  Getting there in two is great, but how often do you really knock it on the green?  You might get close to the green or somewhere around the green, but actually putting for an eagle is not enough to keep a club just in case you hit it 2 times per round.  Think about scoring.  I would also get rid of the 3 iron and replace it with the hybrid that is close to that.  It's much more versatile and can be hit more distances.  

Continued success Shaun, keep those scores coming down.  Good luck in 2009.  It would be a good goal to break 85 this year.  

Eddie Kilthau
PGA Member

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